The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 30: Select 12 random acts to do over the next year

Challenge Day 30: Go to and make a list of 12 items to do once a month over the next year.

I love that this challenge won't be completely over on my birthday and will be the gift that keeps on giving.

So I go to the pinterest page. Wow, there are lots of photos of very inspirational ideas. I found some great ideas. Many ideas are things one doesn't really plan in advance. They are truly random - a situation arises and you just spontaneously perform a kind act. I love the woman who saw the harried parents with a new baby and paid for their meal. Many of the pinterest site ideas are photos without explanations. So I sought out some other resources.

I found some other websites too.

Here is a list of 12 things I plan to do over the next year.

Pay someone's tab
Clean up trash in my neighborhood
Make and deliver care packs for the homeless (blanket, toiletries, socks, etc.)
Cook a meal for someone
Thank my mom
Pay someone's parking
Share fresh produce with neighbors
Rub a loved one's back
Praise my boss
Bake something for someone
Be polite on the road
Take/send flowers to someone

I hope to do many more than this list. I hope to be attentive and look for opportunities to help others. There is truly nothing that feels better than helping someone else.

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