The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 23: Sing in the car...

Day 23: Sing in the car every time you get in the car for the entire day even if people are in the car.

Sounds like a fun, uplifting challenge. Exactly what I needed today. To get me in the mood I dug through my CDs this morning for something fun and upbeat that I could sing on my car trip. Basia? Nah, too sappy. Pink? Love the energy and girl power, but a little angry and intense for today. I got it. Madonna. The "You Can Dance" CD is perfect. Holiday, Where's the Party, Spotlight, so many good choices.

Besides singing and listening in the car, I brought Madonna with me to the office and played her on repeat all day. A coworker commented that I had a dance party in my office. Exactly!

I've got a standing desk and today realized another great benefit it provides: dancing while I work. How is it possible that music can so completely permeate and influence mood? I felt energized and playful all day.

We've got plans with friends tonight and we're driving everyone in our van. I can't wait to belt out some Madonna for them.

Where's the party, I want to free my soul
Where's the party, I want to lose control
Where's the party, I want to free my soul
Where's the party, I want to lose control

Couldn't wait to get older
Thought I'd have so much fun
Guess I'm one of the grown-ups
Now I have to get the job done
People give me the business
I'm not living in fear
I'm just living in chaos
Gotta get away from here

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