The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Bonus Challenge

I forgot to mention the bonus challenge. In addition to the 50 surprise challenges contributed by friends, this morning I finally decided upon a few challenges of my own for the next 50 days. Some are things I try to do anyway, but adding them to the challenge will give me extra motivation. Here they are: intentional daily exercise; daily spiritual practice; take alternative transportation whenever reasonably possible; and give up meat. I was very resistant to the idea of going vegetarian for 50 days. I wasn't going to do it. Then last night I had a graphically disturbing nightmare that left me shaken and wide awake at 3am. I won't go into detail about the dream, except to say that it was haunting and powerful enough to convince me, particularly on the night before the challenge started, not to eat meat for awhile.

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