The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 25: Stay in bed or sleep until 8am.

Challenge Day 25: Stay in bed or sleep until 8am.

I wake up this morning at 5:58 a.m. I'm a morning person - 6 am is my norm. Unlike normal people, I lay in bed impatiently and can't wait to get up every day. I've been like that my entire life. Once as a kid I remember getting up early one morning and playing with my toys in my room. My mom came into my room asking what I was doing. Evidently it was still the middle of the night, not morning. Guess I jumped the gun.

So by 5:58 a.m. this morning I was wide awake and already making the list of things I'd do with my quiet, alone time...maybe make a cup of tea and read my book or maybe clean the kitchen and bathroom. It was still pitch black in our bedroom. I swung my legs out of bed, grabbed the challenge box, placed it on my lap and blindly fished out one of the folded pieces of paper. Challenge, Kindle and reading glasses in hand, I headed for the bathroom. After my morning ritual including face washing and teeth brushing, I put on my reading glasses and read the challenge. What!? Stay in bed!? Well, OK. So I headed back to the bedroom. Since I was already wide awake, sleeping was out of the question, but I could certainly go back and stay in bed another 2 hours. I wanted to read but Terri was still sound asleep so turning on my bedside lamp didn't seem like a good idea. Wait, I know. Donning a headlamp, like when we go camping, I settled back into bed. Who cares if I look like a total dork, it's effective and won't be too bright. OK, so maybe it was a little brighter than I realized. Disoriented, eyes wide open, yet still half asleep, Terri sat up, "What's happening?" she said, then rolled back over without an answer.

I fluffed up my pillows and settled back in to continue reading The Orphan Master's Son. I began to relax and let go of my thoughts that laying idly in bed was wasting time. You mean I don't have to pop out of bed and start doing stuff? After about 45 minutes I even surprised myself by falling back asleep briefly. Before I knew it Terri was getting up. I glanced at the clock...8:01. Hey, I did it, I really did it and it was not so bad. It was actually a bit luxurious and hedonistic.

What perfect luck too to pull this challenge on a Saturday when I could really enjoy it. Though being late to work would've been a little fun too.

Challenge 21 Update: Today is the last day of the week, thus the last day of my challenge not to make the bed all week. After 4 days of the bed being unmade, my dear, non-neat freak wife couldn't take it anymore and she made the bed. :-)

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