The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day 5: Plant a tree...

Challenge Day 5: Plant a tree/flower in honor/memory of NUUC (church) members who tested your last nerve.

My first thought was, "Whoa, that's a lot of flowers." Oh wait, it's one plant for all, not a plant for each. Whew.

I spent the rest of the morning smiling fondly while thinking of the members who have driven me nuts. Honestly, I am grateful to each and every one - and there are plenty of nerve testers. At those moments I certainly didn't feel grateful, but I do now. They all taught me important lessons, especially in patience.

My most memorable misbehaving member moment happened several years ago. Very early in the morning on my day off during Christmas break, there was a loud knocking, more like banging, on our front door. Still pajama-clad, I opened the door to find a very angry, red faced, church member yelling, and so seething mad he was spitting when he spoke. I was so thrown off to be confronted at my home in that way that it took me a minute to understand what he was yelling about. He was upset because I had arranged for the trees on campus to be trimmed. No kidding. Years later that member and I developed quite a bit of mutual respect and fondness for one another. In fact, I came to absolutely adore him. He was cranky and opinionated, but I understood it was because he cared so deeply and had a lot at stake. He was a wonderful teacher and his passion for the planet helped fuel my environmental stewardship. His death a few years ago was a devastating loss.

I could go on and on, but I won't. The reality is that people misbehave and act out. They want to get their way. They want to be heard. They can get petty and rude. They do a lot of things considered socially unacceptable when they care passionately and feel vulnerable. Our members are some of the most passionate people I've ever met. They feel deeply about their connection to and within the church. A recipe for misbehavior and nerve testing. It's not always easy to see past the behavior to the kind hearts and good intentions. Today's challenge allowed me reflect back and see the true lessons in those interactions. For that I am grateful.

In honor and memory of all the members who have tested my nerves -the tough skins with the soft hearts- I chose to plant a Sedum Mussbaumeranum Coppertone, a succulent that looks prickly but is not, and is actually a bit fragile. Each time I replant a clipping from it and watch it grow I'll think of all the ways our members have provided new life lessons and helped me grow.


  1. I'm enjoying guessing who that dear churchmember was. What a sweet and insightful post!

  2. That certain church member would have loved what you recognized in him.
