The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 2: Write a Letter to Maya...

Challenge Day 2: Write a Letter to Maya to Read When She Turns 50.

This challenge wasn't as easy as I thought. It took me 3 attempts to finally get the letter that really said what I want to say to my 50-year-old daughter. At first it was sage advice from what I've learned. But wait, she's going to be 50. My hope is she will have learned enough to not need my advice by then. The next try became a downer -too much apologizing for not being a better person, mother, etc. But wait, she's going to read the letter 37 years from now. I plan for that sorry, scared, cynical mother to be so far in the past, as to be unrecognizable. So I decided to write the letter from the me I aspire to be, the me I will be, in 37 years.

Though most of the letter is private, I'll share a couple hard-earned lessons and inspirations.

"I hope I become a role model for you of living a life without fear. For the most important thing I've learned is that fear of losing something only ensures you'll never truly have it."

"And like me at 50, I hope you know you still have so much to offer and there are lots of adventures waiting out there for you. Know too that it's never too late to reinvent yourself, take risks, and push out of your comfort zone."

"I'm more excited and hopeful about life now than I've ever been. I hope 50 brings you the same optimism and giddy anticipation."

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