I got extremely lucky in the life partner department and count my blessings every day for having Terri in my life.
She is the most thoughtful, caring, and genuinely nice person I've ever met. We've been through so much in the nearly 34 years we've known each other. We've never stopped being friends. She's my best friend.
I wasn't romantically interested in Terri when we were teenagers. Back then nice was a turn off. The perfect date had a letterman's jacket, cool clothes, great hair, and a rad car. Terri had none of those things. It wasn't until 15 years ago that I fully realized that everything I valued and sought in a life partner was right under my nose. By that time I had learned that NICE was the very best trait.
Terri lifts me up and makes me want to be a better person. And not because she demands it, because she doesn't and because she deserves it.
Without her I wouldn't know I even had a better self. I wouldn't know I could be kind. I wouldn't know it's OK to be vulnerable. I wouldn't know it's OK to let go of control. She's an inspiring role model.
I used to think she got the short straw with 2 strong-willed, volatile, difficult women like me and Maya in her life. But Terri wouldn't have it any other way. She lives and loves for helping others. And Maya and I need her help so much. We wouldn't survive without her.
Terri taught me that happiness comes from putting others first and that strength comes from kindness and compassion. She taught me that people matter more than stuff and that the dishes can wait- friends and joy are more important.
So it warmed my heart deeply today to write a letter to Terri telling her all these reasons why I love her so much.
After she read the letter she gave me a big hug and said, "Aw, how sweet. This is the only challenge I've liked."

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