The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 37: Write 4 Haiku throughout the day.

Challenge Day 37: Write 4 Haiku throughout the day.

Awesome! Whoever submitted this challenge either loves Haiku or knows how much I do.
And talk about gettiing challenges perfectly suited for each day. Today I have a lunch date with my good friend Erin to celebrate her birthday yesterday, and Erin loves Haiku. I wonder if she submitted this challenge. That would really be cool.

What I love about Haiku - the simplistic beauty, rythm and surprise - the connection between ideas that otherwise seems unrelated. Haiku, a type of short Japanese poetry, is traditionally about nature or seasons, juxtaposes two different thoughts or images and is based on a pattern of 17 sounds (what we call syllables)typically written in 3 lines of 5, 7, 5 sounds or 4 lines of 5,3,4,5 sounds.

Basho is my favorite Haiku writer. This morning I pulled out Haiku Harvest, a fabulous 1962 book of Japanese Haiku, and read several poems. Below are 2 Basho Haiku. Haiku is best spoken aloud to feel and fully appreciate the sound rythm.

Wrapping dumplings in
bamboo leaves, with one finger
she tidies her hair

this autumn
as reason for growing old
a cloud and a bird

Once I started thinking about Haiku this morning I couldn't stop. It was almost as if I was thinking in Haiku. Each step of my morning routine became a Haiku. I grabbed a pencil and paper and began scribbling. How could I write only 4 Haiku today? So from morning till night, here is my day in Haiku.

My day in Haiku

Kibbled bowl hits floor
Lola come!
Little lump moves
from under blankets

Hunched shoulders, head down
Mouth agape, thumbs move quickly
Breakfast with teenager

Moving in closely,
Smiling, eyes lock, hurried kiss
My wife leaves for work.

Scarf snug around nose
golden leaves
cold air on face
Morning scooter ride

Walking briskly by
the school yard filled with laughter
She stops to listen

Adding machine tape
Numbers, dates, names on a page
Payroll feeds workers

Close eyes, breathe in deep
spirit, body become one
Downward facing dog

In all its glory
fingertips gently caress
Behold the computer

Autumn sun warms face
blue sky laced with wispy clouds
lunchtime scooter ride

Two women walking
Thick as thieves,
laughing, joking
Happy birthday, friend.

Ambulance lights flash
Dangerous intersection
Front airbag deployed

Sharp edge inserted
rips through with such precision
Open mail brings joy

Weave around backpacks
skirt student obstacle course
walking through campus

Up-downs, plank, now squats
sprint back, then twenty push-ups
Thursday night boot camp

T.V. on demand
Fresh popped corn, extra butter
Home with family

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