The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Challenge Conclusion

Yesterday was the last day of the challenge. Today I turned 50. Do I feel fabulous?

The idea behind this 50 day challenge was to help me feel absolutely fabulous on my 50th birthday. The challenge itself was to perform 50 days of random acts to stretch me out of my comfort zone and welcome in more love, courage, generosity, and overall positivity.

First I want to acknowledge and thank all who took this journey with me - my wife and daughter, the ladies in the office who organized the challenge, my wise women friends who submitted the challenges, and all my friends and family members who watched from the sidelines cheering me on. It was deeply moving and unexpected that so many people followed along. As of today, nearly 2400 views from 5 different countries - as far as Iraq and South Korea.

Over the past 50 days I've ditched work, read poetry, written poetry, written lots of letters, given gifts, given compliments, fed a homeless woman, tried to be still, tried to listen, tried to ride a unicycle, tried to play guitar, tried to be silent, danced, drawn, painted, baked, smiled and so much more.

As expected, each challenge inspired me in some way. What wasn't expected was the energy the challenges created. Like a magnet drawing things in or rippling out like a stone dropped into a pond. Or maybe the challenges didn't cause the energy. Maybe this kind of energy is around me all the time in all that I do. Maybe I'm just usually not paying attention. Maybe the challenge just helped me pay attention. Whatever it was, that was the very best part of the challenge - the unexpected energy and interconnections.

My least favorite part of challenge was the blogging. I am on a computer all day at work, so I'm not one who likes to be on a computer at home. And I'm not usually one who posts frequently on Facebook. I find it a bit narcissistic. My life isn't that interesting and I just don't think people really care or need to know what I do. So sharing what I did every day was uncomfortable. I struggled with the boundaries of privacy too - how much do I share?

There was a lot I didn't share. During the past 50 days there've been some very emotional and painful things that have happened in my life. As if a much more difficult challenge was occurring behind the scenes. Some days I was so low I couldn't imagine finding the will to perform the daily challenge. And on those days, it was often doing the challenge that lifted me up out of despair and kept me going. I don't think it was a coincidence that so many challenging things happened in my life during this challenge. The universe (God? Goddess?) is powerful and acts in intentional ways that we often find mysterious. In the end, I am grateful. This challenge helped me get through some very rough patches. Looking back I can laugh at some of the irony.

On a lighter note, yes, I feel pretty darned fabulous.

Today, per Challenge 8, my friend Elizabeth took me out to lunch. I was completely surprised and delighted when we walked into the restaurant and a bunch of friends were there for a surprise birthday lunch. It was awesome. I am blessed.

My wife and daughter gave me some fabulous gifts - a super cool watch with a recycled cork band and a hot pink (my favorite color) face and a beautiful silver "everything happens for a reason" energy bracelet.

Now we're getting ready to go out to dinner with some friends.

This challenge has reminded me that I don't need to be fixed and it's OK to let go. Indeed, letting go is much more fun and life is all about having fun.

Today I am 50. Today and everyday I am fabulous.

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