The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 42: Draw a picture of your special space when you were 13...

...any space that was your favorite place to go to be yourself and feel comforted and safe.

As a teen and even young adult I went to the beach whenever I "ran away" to get away from the world. At 13 my bike was my freedom and we lived close enough to ride my bike to the beach. I'd just pedal away, wind on my skin, muscles aching, and head toward the ocean.  I could just sit on the sand and stare at the crashing waves for hours. Something about that vastness beckoned me in difficult times.
Sometimes I wish I could escape like that now. "Sorry Honey, wish I could stick around for more abuse from the teenager, but I'm going to the beach. See you in a few hours."
That probably wouldn't go over very well. Now I just go to my room and hide. Sigh.

P.S. Received a birthday card today from my aunt Jacquee. Opened it up after writing this blog post and it has a bike on the front of the card. Another of those freaky, cool challenge coincidences.

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