The challenge is on...50 days of intentional acts of generosity, health, courage, and kindness leading up to my 50th birthday.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 35: Pick another item...

Challenge Day 35: Pick another item from the "box" to do today, but tomorrow do nothing from the "box" and just think about what you've done so far to this point.

Huh? So my challenge for today is not to do a challenge tomorrow and to pick a different challenge for today? Whoever wrote this one is trying to mess with me. Why not just say that my challenge today is not to do anything except think about what I've done so far?

The next challenge I pull out today is really challenge #36 but does it now become challenge 35 and does 35 become 36? I'm so confused.

So I guess since I'm not pulling a challenge tomorrow, I'll blog tomorrow about "thinking about what I've done so far". Or maybe that means I don't even have to blog tomorrow. It does say "just think". Maybe I'll take a blog break tomorrow. Forget maybe, I'm definitely taking a blog break tomorrow. No challenge, no blogging. Woohoo!

So I pick another challenge from the box.

Challenge #36, Day 35:
Ask Terri on a date. Doesn't have to be a fancy date. Dinner, movies, ice cream, a walk, wherever...but both of you need to wear your wedding dresses. After the date, pull out your wedding photo book and look at it together. Reflect on where you are now, how far you've come and your future together.

I tell Terri what the challenge is.

"How do I keep getting pulled into these challenges? This is your challenge, not mine", she says. Always the supportive wife.

"So I guess you didn't submit this challenge?" I ask jokingly. Me thinks the novelty of the challenge is wearing off for her.

The challenge is to ask her on a date today not take her today. Thank goodness, because we have bootcamp tonight. I'd hate to try doing squats, jumping jacks, or plank in my wedding dress. Though, it would be very amusing.

Fortunately, our wedding dresses aren't traditional white, poofy, lacy things. They are long, colorful cocktail dresses, and though still attention-grabbing, they are slightly easier to wear out in public. The most fun will be a low brow date so we will be very conspicuously out of place in our dresses. We decide upon a Friday night date of walking the dogs, taking Maya to soccer practice, and going out to the local divey pub for a beer.

Photos to follow. If you want to buy us a beer and get a good laugh, stop by Altadena Ale House Friday, 6:30pm - 8:00pm.

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