I didn't immediately know to whom I wanted to write the note, so I decided to let the day play out. The magnetic energy of the challenge may create space for something praise-worthy to happen today. Today was my day off. I had a doctor's appointment early morning then a dentist appointment then the dogs to the groomers in the afternoon plus contractors arriving to do work at the house all day. Opportunity for thankfulness abounds in a day like that.
As it would happen, my dentist has a new dental hygienist named Edward. He was fabulous. So professional and polite. He said please and thank you every time I opened and closed my mouth. With a full set of x-rays, that was a lot. He was very capable and precise, really exuded competence. And I love my dentist too. She is so friendly and professional. She runs a tight ship and treats patients very well. Her competent staff is no surprise - it's a clear reflection of her professionalism, patient care, and leadership. So when I got home I sat down and wrote a thank you card to my dentist and praised Edward.
Really everywhere I went today I was treated well and experienced excellent customer service. Kaiser Pasadena is awesome, I also stopped and got my free flu shot. Staff there were efficient and friendly. The guys working at my house from Carson Magness Landscaping did so with such speed and care, they keep a clean work site and are so polite and accommodating. And our local Hal's Pet Shop groomers are very friendly. Even my stop by the grocery store warranted positive results.
That saying "seek that which you wish to find" is so true. I was looking for the positive in all I did today and I found it. We really do have the power to create our own reality.
Challenge 36 Follow-up:
Terri and I went on a date tonight in our wedding dresses. We rocked the dresses with our footwear - studded black leather biker boots for Terri and hand-embroidered flowered black cowboy boots from Turkey for Alyssa. We felt a bit out-of-place in long formal gowns at the local pub, but whatever. We got more attention when I licked a crumb off Terri's lip. Something about these dresses makes us feel so connected and intimate. Forgot we were out in public. We really enjoyed looking at our wedding album again. We met in high school at age 16 so much has happened since. Wow!

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